Thursday, December 19, 2019

Madison Rainy Night

I was in Madison, Wisconsin for a weekend getaway over Thanksgiving this year. The weather was terrible the entire weekend, but that didn't hinder my enjoyment of the sleepy college town vibe. Holiday weekend and no home football game meant the town was pretty empty. The bad weather actually worked in my favor on Saturday evening. We were about to walk the few blocks from our hotel to the restaurant we had chosen for dinner, when we noticed it was pouring. Really pouring, with periods of hail as well. I grabbed my camera, and made a couple shots right as we were leaving the hotel (the first shot at the top of this page), but then waited until after dinner, when the rain had slowed some, to make the rest of the photos you see here. Rainy nights are really fun to shoot, and it rarely happens that there's a rainy night when I'm in an interesting location, have the time to shoot, and actually feel like sloshing around with wet feet to make some photos.

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